Disturbed by Seetaram’s attack on people who are simply defending their livelihoods

Dear Editor,
Our Union was very disturbed to read Mr Abel Seetaram’s letter appearing on May 20, 2017 in the media entitled “GAWU, PPP using schoolchildren during protest”. We see Mr Seetaram’s letter as an attack on people who are simply standing up and defending their livelihoods.
While Mr Seetaram chooses, seemingly, to castigate the young man for taking part in the protest on May 16, 2017, he fails to mention, conveniently or otherwise, that the protest was spurred as a result of the harsh policies embraced by a government of which he is a foremost cheerleader. The participation of young students, joining their parents, teachers and others, serve to dramatise policies by this Government which will certainly affect their future. Their participation hopefully can bring about more effectiveness to the resistance of the continuing heartless approach by this Government which is affecting the poor and working people of this country.With respect to the sugar industry, we cannot ignore the fact that it is the Government, which has taken on board and is promoting plans to miniaturise the industry. Certainly, they cannot escape blame for the difficulties which have emerged and are ahead for sugar workers and their families and the sugar-linked communities. Wales presently is a painful and glaring example.
We wish to advise Mr Seetaram, for his records, that prior to the closure of Wales in 2016, the last estate that was closed was Diamond in the mid-1980s. Between then and 2016, cane cultivation, on a smaller scale, continued to 2009 and many of the workers who were severed took up employment at Wales. Regarding LBI, when the factory was closed, many workers were either transferred to the Enmore factory or took up employment in the LBI field workshop, which remained operable until it was closed in 2016, despite undertakings by GuySuCo that this was not in their projections.
GAWU is also charged by Mr Seetaram as only now raising its voice for the sugar workers. This is a most ridiculous statement. Our Union has always stood in the defence of workers and has been a strong advocate of workers’ improvement generally. In passing, we merely wish to reflect on the article in GuySuCo’s name alluding to the militancy of the workers which appeared on May 21, 2017 in another section of the media.
For obvious and understandable reasons, Mr Seetaram seems very much bothered by the workers and their families’ resistance in the sugar communities at this time.  We urge him to lobby his contacts, who traverse the corridors of power in our country, to listen to the people’s cries and to have them abandon their callous plans, which will wreck the lives of too many of our working people and their families.

The Guyana Agricultural
and General Workers
Union (GAWU)