Peace reigns: this is cause for celebration

The issue of paramount importance in the world today is international peace. Peace has broken out in the Western Hemisphere—for the first time in history, nations in the entire western half of the world have stopped fighting with each other!

With the Colombian government’s recent peace agreement this past August with the FARC—Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia—the last active war in the hemisphere has ended: Today there are no military governments in the Americas.

No countries are fighting one another. And no governments are battling major insurgencies.

If anything deserves a party with joyous dancing and singing—this is it! Peace!

Of course, Colombia celebrated after their country’s fifty-two years of armed insurgency finally came to a close, and dancing and singing did break out in the streets there.

But strangely, few other places in the West even observed this remarkable milestone.

Editor, what an incredible, historic achievement mankind has reached: So for those who maintain that world peace is a pipe dream, a remote and unattainable fiction; the current evidence completely contradicts that pessimistic and widely-held viewpoint.

In fact, we now know that world peace is possible and even inevitable.


Yours faithfully,

Rooplall Dudhnath