Political (dirty) linen…

If it’s another day in Guyana, it appears there has to be another scandal exploding!! Just when your Eyewitness thought the details of the sick teacher and the perversion of his noble profession to groom and sexually abuse his students would hog the headlines, up come some more titillating e-mails from the AFC ‘leaker’ to show perversion of ideals isn’t confined to the teaching profession.
The latest leaks came from the same disaffected AFC Canadian group member – and for the same reason. The foreign chapters had played a big role in the success of the party, and it’s clear that when the Canadian Chapter broke links, the perversion of the ideals the top leadership had assured them would guide the party was the straw that broke their backs.
The fella concluded his assessment of the AFC: “Those who voiced their opinions, against President Granger’s unilateral appointment of GECOM chairman have been silenced.  Dictators promise freedom and the good life. But they will not honour their promise because they are liars. They are only interested in freeing themselves by enslaving others’ minds. Their cleverness has made them cold and unfeeling.” Ouch!!!
But the e-mails condemning Nagamootoo, Ramjattan and Trotman for giving the carte blanche to Prezzie in his GECOM unilateralism didn’t come just from Canada, but from the head honcho of US Chapter – reputedly one of the big moneybags. And – surprise…surprise!!! –  some sitting AFC Ministers in the Government! The US Chair’s opinion echoed what most in Guyana already concluded: “This position makes the AFC look weak and impotent. You are seen by the common man as being treated as a step child or a poodle in the coalition”!!!
But just as importantly, the fella echoed your Eyewitness’s conclusion about the AFC being “dead meat” — now rotting and putrid — after their GECOM endorsement: “Given the worsening racial polarization in Guyana, this unilateral appointment by the Executive PNC President of an Afro-Guyanese GECOM Chairman, whether right or wrong, rips open the scars of (the) PNC rigging election(s). You have just thrown red meat to the notion of “PNC rigging election” which, in my view, will cause the AFC to forever lose Indo-Guyanese support at the polls.”
Senior Minister of Telecommunications, Kathy Hughes, also didn’t pull any punches in HER communication on the effect of her AFC leaders’ support of PNC unilateralism on their Indian ethnic support – which is their claim to fame – and office.
Dead meat just won’t keep!!

…and principles
Everyone knows Ramjattan’s trying to mamaguy us about “AFC democracy being at work” with the release of the damning e-mails. Why else would he blame “rogue elements”? If he believed in “democratic debate”, shouldn’t he compliment the leaker!! Anyhow, your Eyewitness must confess he was very PLEASANTLY surprised at the stand taken by Minister of Infrastructure, David Patterson.
Stating clearly and unequivocally that he disagreed with Prezzie’s unilateralism – he also was man enough to tell Trotman and Ramjattan they’d betrayed the principles the two of them had taught him the AFC was all about. He clearly spoke for so many of the supporters who’ve now parted ways with the AFC – inside Guyana and outside.
“Colleagues, my concerns are not to do with the Chairman or his appointment, but in the fear that we are no longer the party I love and will go down fighting to keep alive.”
That’s as good a eulogy for the AFC as any. RIP!!

…in the paedophile scandal
If there’s any silver lining on the paedophile scandal in THE BHS, it’s to show that the illness isn’t confined to just “sick persons”.
It’s a systemic problem that needs root and branch intervention. Is Guyana ready?