Region 2 residents want undesirable

Dear Editor,

Residents of Charity, in Region Two (Pomeroon-Supenaam) would like to state that since the conclusion of the Local Government Elections, we have not seen or heard anything from Neighbourhood Democratic Council officials who have to look into issues confronting us.

Our area is polluted with stink and stagnant water. Garbage which consists of plastic, broken bottles, paper, plastic bags, cardboards and boxes etc, line the roads and trenches.

There are vendors who squat illegally and build unsightly stalls over the said trench which is very unhealthy, since it is impossible to get around to clear.

Sooner rather than later, a serious epidemic may erupt which will affect residents in the area. Eighty per cent of the vendors are from far off villages that are undesirable and make themselves a nuisance in front of business places and private properties.

We are appealing to Central Government and the relevant authorities to remove these vendors to the vending mall specifically built for them to ply their trade.

This mall cost the Government over $30 million. We need some uniformity. We may have a township very soon since it is a port of entry.

We thank you.


Concerned residents