1 arrested, $1M recovered after multimillion-dollar robbery

A suspect is in custody and assisting police with the ongoing investigation into the multi-million-dollar robbery that occurred at Guyana Bank for Trade and Industry’s night deposit terminal on Wednesday.
Investigators have also recovered some of the stolen cash, but several other individuals involved in the robbery remain at large.
Reports are that the incident took place at around 21:50h when a 65-year-old manager of Toucan Distributors Limited was robbed at the GBTI compound on Young Street, Kingston, Georgetown. The victim was allegedly robbed of $10M, which belonged to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Toucan Distributors Limited.
The robbers were described in a previous report as two identifiable males, who were dressed in police blue and black uniforms, armed with pistols, and wearing ski masks.
Police said the 65-year-old manager left work at approximately 21:15h in a black Land Cruiser, PKK 3700 carrying five GBTI bags containing the cash.
Upon arriving at the bank, he met a security guard with GEB security firm, who allowed him access to the deposit site on the southern side of the bank. As the manager proceeded to the deposit area, he noticed two motorcyclists approaching from behind and became concerned. However, he assumed they were policemen due to their ‘uniforms’.
As he walked towards the deposit terminal with the money bags, one of the suspects approached from behind, drew a firearm, and pointed it at his head before seizing the bags. The robbers then escaped on their motorcycles in an unknown direction. (G9)