One man is now dead and another is in a critical condition at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) following an accident on Mandela Avenue, Georgetown, on Sunday evening.
Dead: Leon Wilkins
The accident occurred sometime after 18:00h in the vicinity of the National Gymnasium on Mandela Avenue.
Dead is 31-year-old Leon Wilkins of Lot 56 B Field Sophia, Greater Georgetown. Up to press time, the identity of the injured man was not available. He was on a bicycle at the time of the accident.
Guyana Times understands that Wilkins was riding his motorcycle, heading north on Mandela Avenue, reportedly at a fast rate of speed when he collided into the pedal cyclist, who was attempting to cross the road at the time.
The impact of the collision resulted in Wilkins along with his bike sliding for another 100 metres and coming to a halt in front of the Gymnasium entrance.
Both men were picked up by first responders and rushed to the GPHC, where Wilkins was pronounced dead on arrival.
After receiving news of the accident, Wilkins’ relatives and close friends rushed to the hospital where they confirmed their worst fears.
The man’s mother said he was at home all day on Sunday but left late in the afternoon to go out.
Meanwhile, the pedal cyclist is said to be in a critical state.
A relative, who did not want to reveal any information about the injured man, told this newspaper that they were at home when they received a call from someone informing them that he was involved in an accident.
“When we reach at the scene, he was still struggling to breathe… They put he in an ambulance and bring he to the hospital,” the woman related.
According to the relative, the man had visible injuries to his head and limbs.