10 & 11-year-old cousins die during birthday celebration at creek

A birthday celebration turned into tragedy on Sunday when 10-year-old Akira La Rose and her 11-year-old cousin, Joylyn Jack, drowned during an outing at Enchanter Creek, Linden-Soesdyke Highway.
Reports are that the incident occurred around 15:30h when the two young girls went missing while playing in the creek. La Rose of Lot 95 Stewartville, West Coast Demerara (WCD), and Jack of Lot 1726 Tuschen, WCD, were part of a family gathering with their grandmother, Allison Klass, 53, and Joylyn’s father, Oswald Jack.

Public spirited persons in the creek after they found the bodies of the two girls (Royston Drakes photo)

After the alarm was raised, a search party was formed, and the girls were eventually found in the water, unresponsive.
They were rushed to the Diamond Diagnostic Centre by police and public-spirited persons but despite efforts to revive them, both were pronounced dead on arrival at the medical facility.
Police in a statement said that ranks conducted an examination of the bodies, and no marks of violence were detected. The bodies have been taken to Memorial Gardens Funeral Home for a post-mortem examination.
The investigation into incident is ongoing. (G9)