Home News 10 teachers benefit from computer training compliments of Global Technology
Global Technology Inc. on Friday handed certificate of sponsorship and Microsoft 365 software to ten teachers of the David Rose Special School.
This was done in recognition and appreciation of their dedication to the special needs students.
The teachers will undergo enhanced training through a Global Technology sponsorship initiative. This includes the initiative of ten Microsoft licenses and a foundation package training.
Additionally, they will benefit from training on how to use Google assistant to aid in the delivery of education. They will also learn how to navigate YouTube via voice, translate speech to text, and text to speech, open applications like Microsoft outlook, and send email, all by the use of voice.
This is expected to help the students to be creators, artists and innovators using voice, touch, or gestures only.
CEO of Global Technology, George Melville, spoke of upgrading the internet connectivity of the school to Business fiber 300 Mbps.
“When we started, it was a DSL connection that we had in the building… we’re now going to upgrade that to a fiber connection, and it will be the fiber business connection so now you will have connectivity of 300 megs to the building and all of your buildings”, he told the teachers while giving his remarks.
This, he stated, will allow the school to use connectivity to improve the learning experience of the teachers, who will then pass on this knowledge to students.
“We’re hopeful that with the Microsoft license, your training, and your new fiber connectivity, that you continue to blaze the trail of innovation and use the tools that have since emerged since we first started.”
The CEO highlighted that Global Technology has had a relationship with the David Rose Special School for about ten years, noting that they were one of the few institutions that approached the company in regards of using the products to help their students.
They also expressed that these technologies will make learning more exciting and engaging for the students. Further, he added that this is just the first step of their collaboration with the special needs school.
The next step, he said, is to extend the learning platform with the implementation of an online library for the students.
“…we’re currently completing an online library that their students could use both and the facility and their remote students and I believe once that is completed, we can extend that library to other schools who’ve also made a request for us to for an online library facility.
The online library is expected to be extended to other schools across the country upon its completion.