More than 100 workers of the Linden Mayor and Town Council (LM&TC) would
Mayor of Linden, Carwyn Holland
each receive a 10 per cent wage increase, effective from September 1, 2017.
Linden Mayor Carwyn Holland is quoted by the Department of Public Information (DPI) as saying: “After many years, workers will now benefit from a 10 per cent increase in wages.”
The employees were unable to receive an increase earlier because of financial constraints on the municipality and because other projects were being executed.
The salary increase for the workers will be paid across the board from September 01, 2017, and this would allow some categories of employees to receive the minimum wage. Many of the municipal employees have been earning a mere $35,000 per month.
“Hopefully we can further make life comfortable for our 100-plus employees, with the increase being a start,” Holland has stated.
The Mayor says the wage increase is a move in the right direction.