10,000 Little Diamond residents now have access to potable water

Minister Susan Rodrigues inspecting works ongoing on the water system

Some 10,000 residents of the new housing development at Little Diamond, East Bank Demerara (EBD), now have access to potable water following the completion of a water distribution system that is linked to the recently constructed new Covent Garden well in that community.
This system, installed by engineers of the Guyana Water Inc (GWI), would also provide potable water to persons living in Sections One, Two, and Three of Great Diamond.
During an inspection of this system on Wednesday, Minister within the Ministry of Housing and Water, Susan Rodrigues, explained that persons living in the Young Professionals section of this East Bank Housing Development — most of whom were allotted land in 2020 — are among those who would benefit from its installation.

GWI workers

Minister Rodrigues has assured residents that, with all necessary structures now in place, the communities would receive timely delivery of potable water.
“Many people have applied recently, and they were waiting to access our service. We completed that well at Covent Garden, and today is the last day we are completing the interconnection to ensure that this area in Little Diamond and Sections One, Two, and Three in Great Diamond are serviced…,” she disclosed. “The connections are there, they do have the main in their yards; so, we’re just waiting now on the lines to be filled, and by this afternoon that will happen,” she added.
She explained that the availability of water would facilitate those who are eager to now advance the construction of their homes.
Notably, the distribution network stores and provides flow and pressure adequate for fire protection.
“Part of the programme is that that well will feed into the water treatment plant that we are rehabilitating at the Covent Garden area. This area is now serviced with water, so the people who have house lots in this area or who have already started their construction, I just want to assure them that this area is now fully serviced with GWI connection,” she added.
Since assuming office in August 2020, the People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) Administration has facilitated more than 35,000 applicants with first-time access to potable and treated water services. As a result, nearly 100 per cent of coastal residents now have access to clean water, while access to potable water countrywide currently stands at 97.3 per cent of the stated target for the year 2023.
Minister Rodrigues has emphasized that this significant expansion is part of the administration’s national agenda that advocates for implementation of sustainable water management practices.
In addition, statistics from the Guyana Water Incorporated (GWI) show that water losses have been reduced from the 69 per cent that had obtained in 2020 to 62 per cent in 2023, while water meter coverage has moved from the 53 per cent that has obtained in 2020 to 67 per cent at the end of 2023.
According to the data, GWI has successfully installed more than 55,000 meters to accurately measure water consumption, aid in the conservation of water resources, and reduce non-revenue water. Further, more than 60 wells have been drilled.