12 homes damaged as flash storm hits Regions 6, 7 & 8

Twelve families have been affected as a result of flash storms that caused flooding and damages to their homes.
According to the Civil Defence Commission (CDC) one resident in Region Six (East Berbice-Corentyne) reported that on Tuesday evening their property was damaged when high winds impacted their roof, causing it to collapse almost entirely. There was a thunderstorm that affected the entire Region and also region Five (Mahaica/Berbice) on Tuesday evening.
The CDC has since sent a team who conducted a damage assessment of the property.


Meanwhile, Kato and North Pakaraimas, Region Eight (Potaro-Siparuni), a flash storm comprised of heavy rainfall and strong winds impacted eleven homes.
The CDC said residents there have reported damages to household structures. Regional officials have reportedly conducted an assessment and relayed that information to the CDC. As a result, the Commission has prepared relief items such as hammocks, blankets, clothing, tarpaulin, water containers, buckets and disinfectant which will be dispatched to the Region as soon as possible, the CDC said in a release.


In Region Seven (Cuyuni-Mazaruni) at the border community of Eteringbang, reports coming out of the community indicate that water levels have risen significantly in the last 72 hours and has affected structures on the river bank. Residents, there have since reportedly put adaptive measures in place. However, Regional officials say if the water levels increase, they will need assistance.
The CDC says as per its mandate, it will continue to assess, monitor and render aid where necessary. The National Weather Watch Center has predicted that more rains will occur during the weekend, especially along the coastland, and Regions Seven and Ten (Upper Demerara-Berbice) residents are being urged to remain cautious and safe and to report any impacts to local authorities or the National Emergency Monitoring System (NEMS) on 226-1114 or 600-7500 at any time.