12-year-old crushed to death by lorry in East Canje

New Amsterdam Multilateral School (NAMS) student Justin Tooteram met his demise on Wednesday afternoon when a lorry attached to the Guyana Sugar Corporation at Rose Hall Estate ran over a part of his head as he was on his way to the Canje Bible Church, situated 12 houses away from his home, to play basketball.

Dead: 12-year-old Justin Tooteram

The 12-year-old had lived at Lot 53 Reliance Abandon in East Canje Berbice, and at the time of the accident, had been carrying his basketball.
A second-form student at the NAMS, Tooteram would have celebrated his 13th birthday next month.
Reports are that the back wheels of lorry GMM 5087 rolled over the child’s head after he came into contact with the side of the vehicle.
An eyewitness has alleged that a portion of the child’s brain that had been on the road surface was picked up by a villager and buried in the parapet.

The child’s body is covered by a sheet under the truck following the accident

Meanwhile, the driver has been taken into custody as police probe the circumstances surrounding this accident. (G4)