… serious crime down by 16% ― Police
Although crimes are being perpetuated on Guyanese on a daily basis, the Guyana Police Force in a recent issued statement revealed that serious crimes has seen a 16 per cent reduction for 2016 when compared to 2015.
The released stated that for 2016, a total of 140 murders were committed compared to 149 in 2015- a six per cent decrease. Of the 140 murders, 89 cases
were solved while the remainder is still being investigated.
‘A’ Division (Georgetown-East Bank Demerara); ‘B’ Division (Berbice) and ‘F’ Division (Bartica-Interior Locations) recorded 29 murders each followed by 27 being committed in ‘C’ Division (East Coast Demerara), 21 in ‘D’ Division and 3 in ‘E’ Division (Linden/Kwakwani). Two murders were committed in ‘G’ Division (Essequibo).
Again, disorderly murders top the list with a whopping 54 while there were 12 execution style murders. The Police also stated that a seven per cent decrease in gun related robberies was recorded in 2016 with 771 cases while there has been a
19 per cent decrease in armed robberies where other instruments were used with 310 cases recorded. In addition, there was a 19 per cent decrease in robberies where violence was used followed by a 7 per cent decrease in robbery with aggravation and a 9 per cent decrease in robberies where no guns or other instruments were used.
With respect to larceny from the person, the police say there was a 27 per cent reduction. Further, the Police reported that a total of 224 cases of rape were
recorded with a 21 per cent decrease when compared to 2015.
Finally, the Police stated that a 15 per cent decrease in burglary was recorded followed by a 19 per cent decrease in break and enter and larceny. There was a 23 per cent overall clear-up in serious crimes in 2016.
The Police have also confirmed that a total of 109 illegal firearms seized in 2016 when compared to 115 in 2015. These include 49 pistols, 32 revolvers, 26 shotguns, 2 rifles and one Sub Machine gun. Most of the weapons were seized in ‘A’ Division and ‘F’ Division with 46 and 34 respectively.
Road deaths
Meanwhile, the traffic department has recorded 128 road deaths for 2016 with an increase of 10.3 per cent when compared to 2015 which saw 126 people being killed on Guyana’s roadway. The 128 deaths were recorded from a total of 117 accidents.
Pedestrians topped the list with a whopping 38 followed by 23 motorcyclists, 19 drivers, 16 pedal cyclists, 10 passengers in minibuses, 14 occupants of motorcars and three were occupants in vans and lorries. Of the 128 fatalities, ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’ Divisions topped the list with 40, 30 and 31 respectively.
Speeding was the main contributor for most of the fatal accidents with 67 cases followed by inattentiveness with 26 cases and 17 cases of driving under the influence of alcohol. The month of May was deemed the most deadly on Guyana’s roadway with 18 persons having lost their lives.
However, the police also revealed that serious and minor accidents have seen a 9 and 3 percent decrease, respectively.
Finally, with respect to Police statistics, a total of 70,609 cases were made out against errant drivers. Again topping the list was speeding with 26,266 cases. 3317 cases were made for driving under the influence of alcohol; 4665 for breach of condition of road service License/music; 4111 cases of overloaded minibuses and 3301 for failing to confirm to signs.
Other offences include using cell phone while driving, breach of traffic light, tinted motor vehicles, unlicensed driving, failing to wear seat belts, dangerous driving and others.
The Police, however, are continuing their countrywide campaign with emphasis on driving under the influence of alcohol, speeding, music/ breach of Condition of Road Service License, overloaded minibuses and use of cellular photos.