The Guyana Sport Shooting Foundation (GSSF) recently successfully hosted its first Practical Pistol match for 2019 under the sponsorship of P&P Insurance Brokers.
At the end of January, twelve shooters gathered at the Timehri shooting ranges to take part in an exciting Practical Pistol match comprising of four stages. The match was conducted by Match Director (ND) Pravesh Harry, who also served as the Stats Officer — the person responsible for computing the scores of the shooters. Assisting the MD was Range Master David Dharry and several range officials, who ensured the match was conducted safely.
Shooters participated in the Limited and Production divisions. Each division had its unique requirements and restrictions, as prescribed by the USPSA (United States Practical Shooting Association).
Since each division has its own regulations, the shooters do not directly compete with each other across divisions. Hence prizes were awarded for 1st to 3rd place in each division.
The stages were derived from the USPSA Nationals of 2018, and also designed by members of the GSSF.
The first stage, called ‘Fun in the V,’ comprised of 9 paper targets and 2 falling steel targets called poppers. Requiring a minimum of 20 rounds, shooters tried their best to push themselves to shoot as fast as possible, since the stage was designed to be all about speed.
Stage 2, ‘Watch your fire,’ was in fact the polar opposite. Ten paper targets, shielded by numerous ‘No Shoot’ targets, forced competitors to slow down, trying hard not to hit the penalty producing ‘No Shoot’ targets.
The final two stages, extracted from the USPSA Nationals, required a total of 30 rounds of ammunition. ‘I miss that kind of clarity,’ and ‘He could fool a professional’ proved to be very challenging, as speed and accuracy were both very important in these stages.
Scores were computed on the go, thanks to the use of electronic scoring methods by way of a special application called Practiscore. Within minutes of the match being called to an end, scores were produced.
Ultimately, there were two sets of winners, one for each division.
Sincere gratitude was expressed to the sponsors of this match, P&P Insurance Brokers, for their commitment to GSSF and for continuing to make this an annual event.
The Board of Directors wishes to commend the Match Director, Range Master, Stats Officer, Range Officers and the shooters for ensuring an efficient event. Special thanks also to the Guyana Defence Force, Chief of Staff Brigadier Patrick West, Commissioner of Police Leslie James, OC Guy Nurse, the ranks of TSU and the Guyana Police Force, the Media, the Management of Clear Waters, and GSSF members for their support in promoting practical shooting locally. Sincere thanks were extended to Vikash Panday of P&P Insurance Brokers.
The results were as follows: