Home News 13-year-old impregnated by step-father
…man committed suicide after matter reported
Another teenager allegedly fell victim to rape at the hands of her now deceased step- father, who was left to care for the teen while her mother left for vacation in the United States last year.
According to reports, the 13-year-old victim told relatives of the instances when she was molested by her mother’s lover, but was ignored after he denied the accusations when confronted.
The teen continued to complain to relatives as the man would constantly attack her, but was on several occasions silenced about the ordeal.
Relatives of the teen, who is almost 24 weeks pregnant, reported that when the girl’s mother returned from her overseas trip, she made several more complaints against the man and even told her mother that the abuse had increased. This time she was again silenced.
However, the teen then confided in one of her school teachers, who then reached out to the Child Care and Protection Agency (CCPA). The Agency has since launched an investigation into the matter.
One of her relatives said that the man ingested the poisonous substance after he was told that an investigation has been launched into the matter. His body was found in a nearby cemetery where he allegedly consumed the substance and later died.