15 graduate from RBL’s Youth Link Apprenticeship Programme
Fifteen youths graduated from the Republic Bank (RBL) Youth Link Apprenticeship Programme (YLAP) bringing the total to 270 since its commencement in 2008.
The graduating class’ programme commenced in October 2018 and concluded in May 2019. The apprentices were trained, provided with the tools to be successful in a work environment, and received knowledge in several banking operations.
The YLAP with the Minister within the Social Protection Ministry Keith Scott, UNESCO Secretary General Patrice La Fleur and Senior Managers of Republic Bank
During the seven-month programme, each of the apprentices was continually evaluated on performance in several areas. The apprentices would also receive the Caribbean Vocational Qualification (CVQ) from the Caribbean Association of National Training Agencies (CANTA) in Banking Operations Level One. This qualification will enable the apprentices to obtain jobs within the CARICOM region.
Special Performance Awards were presented to Apprentice Harshanie Deonarine, who also copped three other awards for Best All Rounder, Most Disciplined Apprentice and the Best Business Proposal. Nickisha Clarke copped the award for the Most Effective Presentation, while Tia Joseph was awarded the Most Congenial Apprentice and Tomal Morris, Most Improved Apprentice.
These apprentices secured employment at the Camp Street, Water Street, Diamond, Linden, Vreed-en-Hoop, and New Amsterdam branches.
Republic Bank’s Managing Director (ag) Denise Hobbs presents Valedictorian Harshanie Deonarine with her award
Republic Bank’s Managing Director (ag) Denise Hobbs in her remarks at Thursday’s Ceremony— which was held at the Marriott Hotel— explained that the Youth Link apprentices had the opportunity to learn about the bank’s operations and attained some valuable skills such as discipline, focus and working as a team.
She highlighted that the YLAP is another demonstration of RBL’s commitment to the development of Guyana’s youths and forms part of the bank’s wider Social Investment Initiative, “The Power to Make a Difference”, where national and regional community projects are geared to positively impact life, circumstances and reward excellence.
Hobbs noted that in addition to the formal training, participants were also exposed to a balance of values training and purposeful activities which included the Banks’s Staff Volunteerism and an outreach.
“Apprentices, as we celebrate what you have achieved, we are really celebrating the emergence of another class of future leaders; young men and women who are better equipped to succeed in today’s working world; citizens more willing to become part of the bedrock of a more successful society and a stronger nation,” she told the Apprentices.
She encouraged them to embrace the principles of professionalism, dedication and integrity as they move forward enriched with values and behaviours that serve them well, both personally and professionally, in the future.
Meanwhile, Secretary General for the National Commission for United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) Patrice La Fleur who attended the ceremony, in her motivational speech to the apprentices, congratulated Republic Bank for their continued investment in young people and urged the graduates to remain humble and to have great love for self and a positive self-esteem; all of which are essential attributes for continued progress. She encouraged them to be respectful and remain focused as the road to success is based on discipline. She cautioned the youths about violence and urged them to refrain from such engagements and spoke out against the dangerous phenomenon.
“Be disciplined and remain focused. Never give up, because you are strong and you each have a purpose,” she said.
Harshanie Deonarine, who was named the Valedictorian, in her address reflected on the seven months of training which was well rounded with professional training as well as training in first-aid, which was done by the Red Cross, outreaches to the Ptolemy Reid Centre, and a field trip to Essequibo. She described the journey as unforgettable and expressed gratitude to Republic Bank for the life changing opportunity.
The YLAP was first introduced to Guyana in 2008 with the aim of bridging the gap between participants’ school life and the start of their career.