15th annual Hand-in-Hand Cycle Race set for today

The inner circuit of the National Park will come alive when the 15th annual Hand-in-Hand Mutual Fire and Life Insurance Companies’ 11-race cycling programme pedals off from 9:45h today, Saturday October 5th.

Action from last Saturday’s race at the inner circuit of the National Park (Brandon Corlette photo)

The feature event of this programme, the 35-lap School Boys and Invitational Race, will roll off from 11:00h, but those wishing to participate in this activity must register before 9:30h. The late registration fee is $500.
For the first time ever, a new race category will be added to the event: the novices’ category, for which participants will ride six laps. In today’s racing event, cyclists will benefit from refreshments provided by the Hand-in-Hand Group of Companies.
When the 35-lap School Boys and Invitational Race was held last year, Michael Anthony of Linden Bauxite Flyers took the title by winning that event in a time of one hour, 19 minutes, 14.36s. Other 2018 winners were Adelia Hodge (10-lap Juveniles), Ozia McAulay (Mountain bikes), Jude Bentley (Veterans Under-50) and Jaheme Henry (12-14 Boys and Girls).
As had obtained over the last 14 years, representatives of Hand-in-Hand Mutual Fire and Life Insurance Companies will be on hand to witness the riders in action, and later assist in the distribution of prizes.