16 health professionals complete field epidemiology, laboratory training programme

Some 16 health professionals drawn from eight of the country’s ten administrative regions have completed a seven-month Caribbean Regional Field Epidemiology and Laboratory Training Programme (CR-FELTP) funded by the US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in collaboration with the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA) and the Health Ministry (MoH).

Dr Frank Anthony with officials and the graduates

The CR-FELTP programme trains health professionals from different fields to improve the Caribbean’s ability to prevent diseases and protect public health through evidence-based actions and policies.
In delivering remarks at the graduation ceremony held at the Herdmanston Lodge in Queenstown, Georgetown, Health Minister Dr Frank Anthony noted the growing need for awareness and timely reporting of diseases, and said training like this one is hence timely.
“I think the importance here is that we’re starting to get more people in tune with some of the things happening locally, regionally and globally; and this is your first opportunity to understand a little bit more about diseases and how they transmit, and why you need to report, so that we can respond in time,” he detailed.
Further, he expressed hope that the course would serve as a stepping stone for continued learning, and has encouraged graduates to take up opportunities for further training in responding to diseases.
“I hope that with this first course that you have done, that this is not the last one. I hope that it wasn’t too difficult, and that you’ll go on to do other courses; because, ultimately, we want people to be properly trained so that they can respond appropriately to diseases,” he explained.
In closing his remarks, he divulged that skills acquired during this training stint would also be useful, as the MoH is working on eliminating five infectious diseases from Guyana by 2030.
Meanwhile, Sandra Bedoya-Hanson, Public Health Advisor, Global Workforce Development Branch, US Centers for Disease Prevention and Control, related that this training is a testament to the commitment of Guyana and CARPHA towards dedication to growth and strengthening of the country’s surveillance capacity.