16 years’ jail for Corentyne man who beat wife to death

Raywatram Mooloo, called Adesh and “Cow Curry”, of Lot 36 Number 58 Village, Corentyne, Berbice, who beat his wife to death in 2017 was sentenced to 16 years in prison on Wednesday by Justice Navindra Singh in the Berbice High Court.
Earlier this year, Mooloo pleaded guilty to the lesser count of manslaughter, which stated that he unlawfully killed 37-year-old Gomattie Ramsingh on May 26, 2017. As such, he was sentenced to 16 years in prison. However, he would only send 11 years in prison as time on remand was deducted from his sentence.
Based on reports, on the fateful day, Mooloo wanted money to buy rum and, as such, went into his wife’s purse and took out some money. This caused her to hold onto him, and a fight ensued between them.
Mooloo then held onto his wife’s head and knocked it thrice on the verandah, after which he pulled her off the steps, causing her to tumble several times down the stairway.

Raywatram Mooloo and his murdered wife, Gomattie Ramsingh

He then picked up Ramsingh and soaked her head in water, and left to buy the alcohol. Upon his return, the two got into another argument, but this time over a woman.
Mooloo’s wife began chucking him, but he pushed her back, resulting in her falling off the stairs and onto two concrete blocks in their yard.
Mooloo and another individual then assisted his wife into bed. On May 26, 2017, she was taken to the Skeldon Public Hospital, where she was pronounced dead on arrival.