18-year-old delivers lone Christmas Day baby in Berbice

Eighteen-year-old Hansranie Larchama, of Belvedere, Corentyne, Berbice, delivered a bouncing baby boy about 03:45h on Christmas morning thus making him the lone Christmas baby to be born in Berbice. At birth the baby weighed 2.3 kilogram.
Larchama said she would have preferred if the Christmas baby was born earlier, so she could have been out for Christmas Eve, since she did not see anything special about giving birth on Christmas Day.
However, the baby’s father, Azim Ali, 18, a cane harvester who also wanted the baby to be born earlier so that he and his wife could have been together on Christmas Eve, stated that having a baby on Christmas Day was something special.
Larchama’s due date was January 19, but she was admitted to the New Amsterdam Hospital on Christmas Eve and gave birth the following morning. The first-time mother was surrounded by her husband, mother, grandmother and an aunt when Guyana Times visited the hospital on Christmas Day.