19-year-old committed to stand trial in High Court

herculesNicholas Hercules, called “Bucko”, 19, was committed to stand trial in the High Court for the murder of his relative, 22-year-old Carlos Solomon by Magistrate Judy Latchman at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts on Monday.
The accused first appeared before Magistrate Fabayo Azore to answer to the capital charge which stated that on April 1, 2015 at Princes Street, Georgetown, he murdered Solomon called “Roy”.
On Monday, Magistrate Latchman stated that she has found that there was sufficient evidence for the accused to face trial before a judge and jury.
However, the accused continue to plead his innocence, stating that “I’m innocent of this charge”.
The matter will be called at the next criminal assizes.
The court heard that on the day in question, Hercules pulled out a knife and dealt Solomon a stab to his armpit.
Solomon was subsequently rushed to the Georgetown Public Hospital, where he later succumbed to the injury sustained.