In the aftermath of yet another dispute between neighbours, a duo appeared before Magistrate Clive Nurse at the Wales Magistrate’s Court charged with assault.
Shakira Saman, a mother of five, was last week charged with the assault of Indra Manickchand, the Virtual Complainant (VC), who is her neighbour.
It is alleged that on June 25, the defendant at Belle West, West Bank Demerara (WBD), unlawfully assaulted Manickchand.
When the charge was read, Saman pleaded not guilty and was placed on $25,000 bail. The case will continue on July 25.
Meanwhile, in a related matter, Kevin Goberdhan, 21, of Lot 957 Belle West, pleaded guilty to the charge which alleged that on the day of the altercation, he made use of threatening behaviour to Manickchand. The Wales Magistrate’s Court also heard that Goberdhan was previously fined for a similar offence, but he promised that he would discontinue such actions.
Presiding Magistrate Clive Nurse warned the defendant, informing him that there were consequences of continuing the behaviour in question. As such, he was fined $25,000 for the offence. If he chooses not to pay, he faces eight weeks’ imprisonment for the threatening behaviour offence.