2 ECD men arrested for DUI

Two male residents of communities along the East Coast of Demerara were arrested on Monday and Tuesday for driving under the influence of alcohol (DUI).

Arrested: Grinand Basde

Police have said that 26-year-old Grinand Basde of Public Road Nootenzuil and 56-year-old Lakeram Balram of Persaud Street, Annandale were arrested and charged after the alcohol levels in their blood were found to be above the legal limit of consumption. Both men will be arraigned before the Vigilance Magistrate today.

Arrested: Lakeram Balram

Balram was reportedly arrested on Monday at Coldingen Public Road with .82 per cent BAC of alcohol in his system, while Basde was reportedly arrested on Tuesday with 124 per cent BAC of alcohol in his system.
The Police continue to remind drivers that driving while above the prescribed alcohol limit attracts a charge for the offence of driving under the influence (DUI), which carries a fine. Persons can be charged for this traffic violation if, when tested, their blood alcohol content is found to exceed the prescribed limit of .35 micrograms of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath, and their blood alcohol concentration exceeds 80 milligrams of alcohol in 100 millilitres of blood. (G9)