With 2018 nearing its end, Lusignan Golf Club (LGC) President Aleem Hussain has confirmed that two major Open tournaments will be hosted, with the one sponsored by Banks DIH being set for this Saturday.
Aleem Hussain
Golfers will wrap up a successful 2018 with next weekend’s annual event being followed by the ANSA McAL Open. With close to 40 tournaments already held in 2018; three times the amount compared to previous years, Hussain told Guyana Times Sport on Sunday that the local golfers have admitted their game has risen tremendously, thanks to the number of games played.
The LGC President said due to the consistency of Opens, which were run off from the first week of January up until now, the golfers have been in tremendous form, and it reflected in their game when they dominated the Surinamese National Open in October, before saving their ‘A’ games for the 2018 LGC Open Championships held in November.
Speaking on the various programmes, which saw golf being introduced into the curriculum of schools as well as that of the University of Guyana (UG), Hussain confirmed that all golf programmes will recommence in early January of 2019, with more emphasis being placed on making the sport more integrated with students.
Also, ongoing upgrades on the greens/course and infrastructure will continue, as the LGC plans to turn the facility into a full-fledged country and golf club.
According to Hussain, the LGC would also be hosting its first big wedding on the greens of the club on January 5, 2019. He said the move was pleasing as it was in keeping with the club’s dream of being a multi-purpose sport and recreational facility.
Hussain has expressed profound gratitude to the MACORP executives and LGC members for their continued support and dedication shown throughout the year and going forward. He noted that the Machinery Giants have been the reason behind the success of the golfers raising the bar in terms of their game, as well as the phenomenal shape the course has managed to maintain despite torrential weather afflicting the country this year. (Clifton Ross)