2 men remanded for drug trafficking

Remanded: Osafo Alleyne and Devon Browne

Two men were remanded to prison by Senior Magistrate Leron Daly on Friday for their suspected involvement in narcotics trafficking. This was in response to the discovery of a marijuana-filled motor car at North Sophia, Greater Georgetown.
Osafo Alleyne and Devon Browne are accused of being in possession of 1472 grams of Cannabis sativa, or marijuana, with the intent to traffic the drug on October 10.
Alleyne and Browne have both pleaded not guilty to the allegation.
In submitting a bail request on behalf of the two accused, Attorney-at-Law Domnick Bess stated that Alleyne was operating the car when it was pulled over and searched by Police officers.
Browne was riding along in the car, according to the defence attorney.
He claimed that neither of his clients ever stopped to look into the black bag they saw on the back seat of the car as they were travelling. According to him, Police officers then claimed that marijuana was found in the bag.
However, the prosecutor rejected the defence attorney’s version of events on the relevant day. The Police prosecutor stated that Alleyne, the driver of a motor car, was found in possession of a bag containing marijuana when the Police stopped the vehicle on October 10.
She added that Browne was also travelling in the vehicle.
The prosecutor stated that Browne tried to get away but was taken into custody. Upon opening the bag, Police discovered three sizable bundles containing a significant amount of what seemed to be marijuana-related seeds, leaves, and stems, the prosecutor added.
The prosecutor revealed that the detectives had both men’s videotaped interviews wherein the defendants acknowledged their roles in the crime. The prosecution informed the court that Police were tracing the car after obtaining “intel”.
However, Bess intervened and stated that his client made an attempt to flee after being accosted by men brandishing guns in an unmarked vehicle.
The two were placed on remand until November 17 after bail was denied. (G1)