2 motorcyclists die following head-on collision at Timehri
Two motorcyclists are now dead following a head-on collision at Timehri Public Road, East Bank Demerara (EBD), on Saturday evening. The dead men are 20-year-old Romeo Reid of Hyde Park Timehri, EBD, and 31-year-old Leonardo Reevers of Block R Sarah Johanna, EBD.
Dead: Leonardo Reevers
Based on reports received, the accident occurred at about 21:30h and involved motorcycles CJ 7405 and CG 9504, the former being ridden by Reid, and the latter by Reevers.
Police stated that at the time of the accident, Reid had a pillion rider, Leon Burnette, and was riding at a fast rate of speed. Neither of them was wearing a helmet at the time.
However, Reevers, who was riding motorcycle CG 9504, was proceeding along the roadway in the opposite direction, also at a fast rate of speed without a helmet.
Police stated that Reevers overtook a motor car and ended up in the path of motorcycle CJ 7405, thus causing a head-on collision.
As a result, both motorcyclists and the pillion rider fell onto the roadway and received injuries to their heads and bodies.
They were all picked up and escorted to the Diamond Diagnostic Centre where Reid and Reevers died while receiving treatment.
On the other hand, Burnette was treated and admitted as a patient in the male surgical ward suffering from pain in the body and lacerations to the face. His condition is regarded as stable. Investigations are continuing.