Police nabbed two men with 12-gauge cartridges along with a quan
tity of cannabis packaged in small size Ziploc bags on Thursday.
The men, a 42-year-old logger of Alliance Road, Timehri, East Bank Demerara
(EBD); and a 21-year-old of First Covent Garden, EBD, were
cannabis and cartridges
discovered with the items during a routine stop search operation.
According to reports, ranks were at the time of the discovery conducting a routine stop search operation at Bamai Public Road, Linden, when the vehicle in which the men were travelling was stopped and searched.
During the search, the lawmen unearthed six live 12-gauge cartridges along with a quantity of cannabis packaged in small size Ziploc bags.
As such, both men were taken into Police custody where they were late
r told of the offence, arrested and charged.
They are expected to appear at the Linden Magistrate’s Court on Monday.