Two men were nabbed by Police with 235 grams of ganja in a juice box at 70km Police Outpost on Tuesday.
The marijuana that was found in the juice boxes
According to reports, the discovery was made about 09:50h, after the ranks searched motor vehicle GRR 5768 during a routine stop-and-search exercise.
According to the Police, a brown box was discovered with a transparent tape containing several boxes of juice. Police said that the juice boxes were checked and it was during the search that ranks saw that the bottom of one of the boxes was tampered.
It was opened and a transparent bag containing leaves seeds and stems were found concealed in the box.
The marijuana wrapped in the juice boxes
Upon questioning the men, the passenger of the car admitted that the box belonged to him, Police said.
The two men in the car are from McKenzie, Linden and West Back Road, Georgetown. Both the driver and the passenger have been detained.
Just two weeks ago, a taxi driver and his passengers were nabbed long the Barnell Public Road, Parika, East Bank Essequibo with cocaine and ganja in a car.
Reports are that Police received information that the illegal substances were being transported in motorcar PYY 717, and a roadblock and search were conducted and over 2000 grams of cannabis along with a small quantity of cocaine wrapped in several layers of plastic were found.
The two passengers, along with the driver, were arrested and taken to the Parika Police Station.