200 pensioners benefit from feeding programme

Some 200 pensioners who turned up at the New Amsterdam Post Office on Monday last to receive their monthly pensions were treated to a delicious early morning meal by the New Amsterdam Mayor and Town Council.
The Mayor of New Amsterdam, Winifred Heywood, told the Department of Public Information (DPI) that the feeding programme is an ongoing initiative by the municipality’s social committee; the meals and services were prepared to target

Mayor of New Amsterdam, Winifred Heywood

more pensioners as part of the town’s anniversary celebrations.
Heywood said while this month’s outreach was executed solely by the municipality, they have collaborated before with business owners and stakeholders in New Amsterdam to fund the initiative.
“Our senior citizens look forward to it and it’s a pleasure providing for them. This organisation will continue to work towards meeting the needs of the citizens of New Amsterdam,” Heywood reiterated.
The Mayor thanked the New Amsterdam Prison Service for providing barbering services for the elderly. The senior folks also received skin care, manicure and pedicure treatments; compliments of students pursuing cosmetology at the Vrymens Erven Training Centre.
Mayor Heywood further added that as part of the town’s anniversary activities, on

Senior citizens receiving manicures from cosmetology students of the Vryman’s Erven Training Centre

Wednesday, a church service will be held at the New Amsterdam Town Hall and on Friday an inter-department domino tournament is expected to be hosted. She also disclosed that a brunch will be held on September 21, and the monies garnered will go towards offsetting expenses for other feeding programmes.