235 applications approved for steel and cement initiative

A total of 235 applications of the Government’s steel and cement programme have been verified and approved for the final stage of the application process. This was revealed by Housing Minister Collin Croal when speaking to this publication on Sunday.
During the recent distribution of land titles to residents of the Kokerital Hill, Mabaruma sub-district in Region One on Saturday, the Minister seized the opportunity to clarify that only those persons with a land title or transport document are eligible to benefit from the programme.

Housing and Water Minister Collin Croal

He added that persons with leased lands and lands owned by an Amerindian Village Council are not qualified to access the programme.
“Lands that are under the purview of GLSC [Guyana Lands and Surveys Commission] cannot qualify for this programme because leases, by definition, are for a particular period. When you’re on a land by a certificate of title it signals permanency, it signals lifetime and no one can come back and trouble your land,” Croal explained.
He also added that the Ministry is seeking to acquire additional lands to address the backlog of over 170 pending applications for Region One within the Central Housing and Planning Authority (CH&PA) database.
Land title beneficiary, Sharon Santiago, who was elated to receive her land title document after waiting for over 22 years, told the members of the media that her next step will be to apply for the Government’s cement and steel support programme.
This, she said, will assist her with the construction of her home.
“I am looking forward to some help and I’m glad that they [the Government] launched the cement and steel subsidy that will help so it can complete my house,” Santiago stated.
Another beneficiary, Cynthia Leung is also hoping to capitalise on the homebuilders’ support programme to commence the construction of her home after receiving her land title document.
Over the past two years, the current Administration has accelerated its national housing programme, moving beyond the coast and including hinterland Regions One, Seven, Eight and Nine. Minister Croal said the aim is to ensure all Guyanese have access to the affordable housing opportunities being offered by the State.
The steel and cement initiative which was announced by President Dr Mohamed Irfaan Ali earlier this year will see homeowners benefitting from the receipt of steel and one sling of cement for homes being built under $6 million. And the receipt of two slings of cement for homes being built between $6 million and $25 million.
Persons can register for the steel and cement support by uplifting forms from various offices of the Housing and Water Ministry, as well as from the Central Housing and Planning Authority’s Head Office; or from any of the sub-offices.
Private developers embarking on home construction are encouraged to utilise the housing support as well.