Twenty-four Guyanese were added to the ExxonMobil team as operations and maintenance technicians and will be assigned to the Liza Destiny Floating Production, Storage and Offloading Vessel.
The newly employed Guyanese contingent at ExxonMobil
The team of Guyanese which includes two females are expected to receive a one-week orientation exercise in Guyana after which they will depart for additional training at Cape Brenton University, Canada, for 18 months.
ExxonMobil noted in a press statement on Tuesday that a significant portion of that time will be spent on Advanced Skills Training in four areas – Operations, Electrical, Instrumentation and Mechanical – as well as specific training for oil and gas production operations.
“ExxonMobil Guyana’s development model for operations and maintenance employees is designed for trainees to advance from Technician I to III over time. The intent is to enhance their capacity to such a level that they are able to replace an experienced international worker,” the release added.
The technicians join the more than one thousand Guyanese already working on Liza Phase 1 project activities. The recruitment process of the next set of 50 technicians will commence in 2020 ahead of first oil.