$250M could have been better spent

Dear Editor,
How could the administration at the Georgetown Municipality on one hand perpetually cry out that their revenue base is too narrow to allow them to provide municipal basic services; that they are too broke to undertake essential capital works needed; and there is need to tax the citizens more if the City is to advance; whilst at the same time just glibly squandering a quarter of a billion dollars on the extravagant, unnecessary and quite frankly ridiculous Merriman Mall project.
Wouldn’t that 0 million have been better spent rehabilitating the ruinous structure located at Avenue of the Republic & Regent Street we still call City Hall, in which the Town Clerk sits and presides in like an Emperor of the past?
Wouldn’t that 0 million have been better spent creating a modern Abattoir and meat processing facility in our capital to contribute to the nation’s economic development. And to replace the old dirty, decrepit slaughter house in Water Street where animals are bludgeoned to death rather than humanely killed.
Wouldn’t that 0 million have been better spent patching the pot-holed roads and putting in street lights in our darkened and unsafe roads?
Wouldn’t that 0 million have been better spent eradicating the mosquito infestation to help stop the spread of the Zika Virus? And the list can go on and on and on.
How could the Town Clerk be allowed to embark on building Presidential Parks, clearly a political gimmick, dog kennels to house the weekend wholesale vendors on the mall, house barbers and cosmetologists a most flagrant public health transgression, install a petting zoo, amongst other nonsensical projects without the Council’s knowledge or permission?
The President needs to read the riot act to the ‘Infamous Four’ just back from the Latin American Parking Meter tour, and other wayward members of Council, whenever he visits City Hall.
Our capital is in a sad and sorry state! Kudos to the Councillorship would not accept the bullyism that is ongoing at City Hall.

Kind regards,
Debra Gibson