27 local coaches now CONCACAF certified

Following the CONCACAF Goalkeeping and D. License Coaches programme held in October and November, 27 coaches who have successfully completed received their certificates on Saturday.CONCACAF Coaches (BACK BOTTOM; 6 COLUMNS) copy

This presentation was made in the Guyana Football Federation’s (GFF) Boardroom by President of the GFF, Wayne Forde and Technical Director, Ian Greenwood.

Greenwood congratulated the candidates and informed them that the Federation will explore more technical courses in 2017 to build capacity of the coaches in Guyana, both nationally and at the Association level.

“We’re looking to have a lot more courses throughout the year (which will be) CONCACAF based, FIFA-based (and) from the GFF…we’re looking at developing the coach education structure at the GFF (and) linking it (to) the Coach’s Association as well. So throughout the year, there will be a structured calendar where there will be seminars, courses and development plans for you as individual coaches” he stated.

Additionally, a coaches’ data base will also be developed and employment opportunities will be made available. “We’re looking to employ TDOs (Technical Development Officers) in the local Associations; we’re looking to employ youth coaches as well in the Association,” Greenwood said. He also mentioned the possibility of national coaches being involved in international study visits.

Meanwhile, President Forde noted that the Executive Committee will place much emphasis on coaches’ education and infrastructure development in the New Year. This will see an annual investment of approximately US$750,000 in infrastructural development. However, he underscored the need for self-development of the coaches to complement the formal training being provided.

“Apart from the training that Mr. Greenwood and the GFF will expose you to, you need to take some responsibility to develop yourself; you need to read, you need to research and (use) every opportunity you have to exercise your craft. If there is a school within your district, if there (are) a few kids within your neighbourhood that you can bring into the sport, if there is a club that you should be aligning yourself with, by all means take the initiative …” Forde stated.