3 arrested after Police find ammo in boat, cow tied alongside

Police ranks in Region Six (East Berbice-Corentyne) have arrested three men whom they nabbed with ammunition and other items believed to have been illegally obtained.

The items that Police found in the boat

Reports are that in the wee hours of Sunday morning, February 26, 2023, a Police intelligence-led operation conducted at Lighttown, East Bank Berbice with the collaboration of ranks of the Guyana Defence Force (GDF) Coast Guards led to the interception of a boat in which three men were travelling. A search of that boat unearthed three live 12-gauge cartridges, two outboard engines, one gas tank, one toolkit, and one cow tied to the side of the boat (being dragged).
As a result of the finding, the men have been arrested.
It is still unclear whether the suspects are Guyanese, and where the boat was heading at the time of its interception. No other information has been divulged by the Police.
Only a week ago, the GDF destroyed an illegal mining camp and seized a helicopter and several other items in the New River Triangle, situated in the southeastern portion of East Berbice.
Having gathered intelligence on the mining operation, the GDF launched a search of the New River Triangle and arrested two Brazilian nationals, one of whom is a pilot. Upon seeing soldiers, several others fled the scene into the surrounding jungle.
That illegal mining camp was secured and cleared by members of the Guyana Defence Force. A shotgun, 10 cellular phones, a generator, mining equipment, passports, identification cards, and a bank card were recovered. A quantity of equipment was confiscated, and mining tunnels were destroyed.
The GDF has said that operation was conducted over a period of four days, and involved two officers and 27 of their ranks, supported by the Air Corps. (G9)