3 Bartica drivers fined $200,000 for DUI

Three men appeared before Magistrate Tariq Mohamed in the Bartica Magistrate’s Court on Monday, each charged with driving a motor vehicle while their breath alcohol levels exceeded the legal limit.
Keven Currica, a 32-year-old taxi driver from Sixth Avenue, Bartica, pleaded guilty to the offence. Magistrate Mohamed imposed a fine of $200,000, with the alternative of three months’ imprisonment if the fine is not paid.
Vishall Sancharan, a 32-year-old lorry driver from Byderabo Road, Bartica, also faced the same charge. Sancharan likewise pleaded guilty and was given the same sentence, $200,000 or three months in prison.
Additionally, 24-year-old Lonzo Narine, a cashier from First Avenue, Bartica, appeared before the court on similar charges. After admitting guilt, Narine was handed the same penalty as the other two offenders—a $200,000 fine or a three-month prison term.