3 off to “Train the trainer” course

As of today three officials from the Guyana Football Federation will be participating in the first “Train the Trainer” CONCACAF programme in Barbados. The course will run from November 1 to 3; the three GFF officials departed Guyana on Monday.

L-R: GFF Youth Development Officer Bryan Joseph, GFF Technical Director Ian Greenwood and GFF Technical Development Officer Sampson Gilbert

GFF’s Technical Director, Ian Greenwood, GFF Youth Development Officer, Bryan Joseph, and GFF’s Technical Development Officer (Georgetown ATC) & Secretary of the Coaches Association, Sampson Gilbert will be participating in this new initiative that is designed to enhance the quality of coaching in the Regions.
The programme aims to provide the instructor with the necessary tools through the exploration of best practices in football coaching education, enabling him/her to connect with, motivate and lead the adult learner more effectively.
Greenwood in a release to the media said, the GFF is excited to participate in this programme, which is specially aimed at developing the Coach Educators who will develop the future coaches in our country: “This is the first of a kind course that CONCACAF has developed based on the English Football Association/ Union of European Football Associations (UEFA) “Train the Trainers” course. One of the key mandates of the Technical Department is to develop coaches across the country as evident by the number of courses we have been hosting this year, but a strategic objective by the Executive Committee is to have our own Coach Educators based in Guyana that will allow us to increase this number further.”