3-year-old requires assistance to undergo eye surgery
An East Coast Demerara (ECD) family is seeking assistance to offset expenses for their three-year-old son to undergo an eye surgery in Suriname.
Rajin Sewsankar is losing vision to his right eye
Rajin Sewsankar of Hope Estate, ECD was just about to gain familiarity with the outside world when he would have experienced trauma to his right eye. Presently, he is losing his sight and an operation is severely needed to ease his condition.
The diagnosis was uncovered when a visit was made the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation earlier last month. He was admitted for eight days and it was later discovered that the young boy had corneal perforation with hypopyon. Hypopyon is described as a medical condition involving inflammatory cells in the anterior chamber of the eye.
Along with that, doctors would have unearthed significant findings of congested conjunctiva, mild haze to the cornea and other problems upon examination. His vision continued to decrease while inflammation increased.
As such, it was recommended that a vitreoretinal surgery be conducted as an evaluation, along with urgent Vitrectomy under anaesthesia. A Vitrectomy is a surgery conducted to remove some or all of the vitreous humour from the eye.
Sewsankar’s grandmother, Rajkumarie Budhoo told this publication on Friday that this surgery is not accessible here in Guyana. While the child is scheduled to have the surgery early next week, they are yet to acquire funds to go through with the operation.
“He was admitted at the Georgetown Public Hospital for eight days last month. The hospital discharge and then they give me last Monday to bring him back. I see the doctor and that’s when they discover that it spreading in his eye,” his grandmother explained.
The worried woman related that if the surgery is not performed in a timely manner, the child could lose sight in his right eye. At that time, they had only raised $60,000 of the money to conduct the surgery and a large amount was still outstanding.
It was also indicated that the young patient has an older brother, aged five, who requires constant attention since he was born with brain damage. As such, they are left to contemplate on how to deal with the situation.
She is appealing to the general public for contributions to the procedure. This can be done by making contact on telephone number 681-4317.