3000 more house lots for distribution on ECD by yearend
Some 3000 more house lots will be distributed to residents on the East Coast of Demerara by the end of this year.
This is according to Housing and Water Minister, Collin Croal who during a recent outreach distributed 250 house lots to residents from Nooten Zuil to Unity on the East Coast of Demerara. These residents have now all been allocated lands at Hope, ECD.
Residents of East Coast Demerara at the outreach
Speaking at the outreach Housing and Water Minister Collin Croal stated that the outreach was initiated to address a current issue with the low land areas on the East Coast, which has led to backlog to applications.
“We have not had any recent outreach in terms of Ministry of Housing on this part of region on the East Coast of Demerara, so the cluster that we are addressing today is between Unity and Nooten Zuil…we have an outstanding matter of the low lands area.
“The History of will show that they are persons who were relocated to this proximity, we have persons who have applied in the right way and they were awaiting allocations for years, so we have about 250 house lots to be allocated within the low land cluster,” the minister sated at the time.
The Minister related that since taking office in August 2020 they have been able to allocate 7900 house lots to region 4. Of that just under 4000 thousand house lots were distributed to people living on the East Coast.
“By the end of this year we want to allocate about another 3000 plus for the East Coast of Demerara,” he said.
He noted that the Government will achieve its manifesto promise of distributing 50,000 house lots by the end 2025.
He also stated that the ministry’s coastal water treatment plan is also progressing well, as they are slowly moving towards achieving 90 per cent treated water by 2025, which will see the investment of $28 Billion by the Guyana Water Incorporated (GWI).
“How that transcends here to you on the ground…we said to you we have an ongoing study right here for the use of the Hope Canal as a point for the fresh water use as a constant source and once that study is successful then we will be able to harness that, to eventually put a water treatment plant for this end of the East Coast.”
“So far, inclination is we will be able to eventually put a treatment plant somewhere in the vicinity at the back here of the lowland, where you reach that point of the conservancy,” the minister explained.
Croal added that these developments will provide quality service to the people of the area and will also open job opportunities for them as well.
“The Investments that are taking place on the East Coast will see job opportunities by the thousands.”
Meanwhile, residents at the distribution exercise expressed their gratitude, for the initiative, after being allocated their plot of land.
Navendra Persaud stated that he is very happy that he has been allocated a new plot of land as his current residence is prone to flooding.
“Since 2011 I applied…I’m really happy because by the time its Christmas we’ll get flood again where I’m living, its 3 floods in 1 and a half year and it’s very hard,” he said.
Ishmattie Gowkaran, along with other residents explained that receiving a house lot means a lot to them as it will reduce some expenses.
“I feel very happy and it means a lot because I’ve been renting for years and its hard sometimes,” Gowkaran related.
“It means a lot and I am very very happy about this…it will help me a lot because I am living with my sister and my two kids,” Lilawattie Beepat added.