33 constitutes the majority

Dear Editor,
The debate about establishing a majority in the National Assembly of 65 members resulted in invoking a mathematical formula. The formula used is: ½ (65) + 1 with rounding up (which is incorrect in this case) then add 1 to produce 34. The assumption here is that the number representing members of the National Assembly constitutes a continuous variable, which is false.
For the sake of argument, let us accept it. Half of 65 is 32.5 which is exactly half-way between the whole numbers 32 and 33. If we are rounding to the nearest whole number among the set of whole numbers, the result is 32 and not 33 since on a continuous scale the rounding is to the even whole number.
In rounding a number that sits exactly half-way between two whole numbers rounding is to the even whole number. This convention for rounding a number on a continuous scale is to avoid errors resulting from rounding up all the time. This methodology reduces errors inherent in rounding numbers upwards all the time. The mathematics curriculum for secondary schools in Guyana has accepted this convention.
So ½ of 65 = 32.5 and to the nearest whole number is 32.
When 1 is added to 32 you have 33.
Therefore, majority is 33 out of 65.
Another approach in determining majority in the National Assembly is to recognise that data is on a nominal scale. The majority can be established in the following manner:
If the composition of the National Assembly is an odd number, N, then the majority is determined by the formula below:
Majority= (N+1)/2 which is (65+1)/2=33
So, the number, 33, constitutes the majority.
On the other hand, if the composition of the National Assembly is an even number, say 64, then the following formula applies:
Majority= N/2+1 which is 64/2+1=33
Again, the number, 33, constitutes the majority.
It is worth noting that in these alternative formulae for calculation on categorical data, there is no resulting fraction.

Mohandatt Goolsarran