34 Lindeners to benefit from CHPA single-unit houses

Thirty-four Lindeners are to be beneficiaries of single-unit homes, which are soon to be constructed through the Central Housing and Planning Authority (CHPA) at Amelia’s Ward, Mackenzie, Linden.
These persons will form the first batch of persons from Region 10 (Upper Demerara-Berbice) to benefit from the estimated 60 single housing units, which include flat and elevated houses. These houses are to be constructed at the location at the costs of $6.3 million (elevated) and $5.3 million (flat). While 128 Lindeners had been prequalified for the 60 homes by commercial banks, the 34 applicants were selected from a public drawing for prequalified applicants conducted by the CHPA in Linden on Wednesday. Names were pulled from two

Minister within the Communities Ministry, Valerie Adams-Yearwood (seated front centre); CHPA Public Relations Officer (PRO) Iva Wharton (right) and Regional Housing Officer Leticia Drakes (left) flanked by some of the successful applicants

envelopes, one for flat homes and the other for elevated, according to the choice of the prequalified applicants. Twenty names were pulled for single flat units while 14 were pulled for single elevated units.
Speaking at the public draw, Minister within the Communities Ministry, Valerie Adams-Yearwood, in her remarks, noted that the houses would be constructed in batches of five and upon completion, homeowners would be given their keys. Contractors are presently mobilising at the site at Amelia’s Ward, and construction work is expected to commence shortly. Under the initiative, another 60 homes are expected to be constructed by the CHPA at Wisroc, Wismar, Linden.
The Minister noted that the CHPA was, however, still finalising details as it relates to ownership of the land. “We are still trying to have the 60 houses built in Wisroc. We’re still finalising with the Co-op Society and Lands and Survey (as it relates to) ownership of the land. As soon as that land is handed over to us, we’re going to commence building 60 houses … We were hoping that that process would have been completed so that we can start this year, but it doesn’t look that hopeful. So, we’re going to put that money back into 2019 budget to have those houses and hopefully we can get all the red tape out the way and we begin construction,” Minister Adams-Yearwood noted.