41 cadet officers undergo training in SOC 56

The cadet officers under training

Chief-of-Staff Brigadier Omar Khan officially declared open Standard Officer Course Number 56 on December 21, 2023, setting the tone for a transformative journey for 41 aspiring officers.
Addressing the officer cadets, he emphasized the need for unwavering commitment to the transformation process as they embark on their dreams of serving their country.
Brigadier Khan told the officer cadets that their resilience would be tested throughout the training. “Your mind and body will be pushed beyond anything you thought possible, and they will be strengthened. The greatest military leaders started their journeys into a life of service exactly where you are today.”

Chief of Staff, Brigadier Omar Khan takes the salute during the opening ceremony

The Chief of Staff underscored the importance of attitude, commitment, and dedication in shaping the cadets’ future and, in this vein, urged them to view failures as learning experiences and to adopt a persistent attitude. “Treat every failure as a learning experience. Learn how to strengthen your weak areas and adopt a never-quit attitude. These friendships forged will last a lifetime, and this training will prepare you not just for a life of service but also for success in life after you leave your respective organisations.”
Brigadier Khan also outlined the three pillars guiding the sustained development of the Force: Adaptability, Awareness, and Agility. He said these principles will be ingrained in the potential officers during their two years of training and will not only prepare them for the challenges ahead but also become an indelible part of their lifelong journey.
The Standard Officer Course 56 commenced with 56 officer cadets, and so far, 41 of them have endured the rigours of the training. (GDF)