46th CPA Conference: Parliamentary institutions play crucial role in advancing democracy – PM

Recognising the importance of parliamentary institutions in shaping modern societies, the Guyana Government is actively working to strengthen this institution to embrace the core tenets of democracy, including transparency, accountability, inclusivity and the rule of law.
This is according to Prime Minister, Brigadier (Ret’d) Mark Phillips, who contends that strong democracy is reliant on the strength of parliamentary institutions.
PM Phillips, who made these remarks during the opening of the 46th Conference of the Caribbean, the Americas and the Atlantic (CAA) Region of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA), highlighted that parliamentary institutions play a crucial role in representing the voice of citizens, ensuring their diverse perspectives are debated and ensuring that laws are enacted to advance the public good.
He noted that it is with this in mind that government has strengthened Guyana’s legislative processes to advance scrutiny, fostered a culture and bipartisanship and work tirelessly to enhance the transparency and accessibility of parliamentary proceedings.
“Our experience has taught us that democracy is not a static achievement but a continuous process that requires vigilance, adaptability and most importantly, participation. It is this spirit of continuous improvement that guides us as we seek to strengthen our parliamentary institutions and ensure that they remain robust, inclusive and responsive to the need of our citizens,” the prime minister said.
Further, PM Phillips disclosed that government is investing heavily in training and retooling of key personnel working with and for government.
He explained that this is being undertaken through mediums such as workshops, fellowships and seminars of similar nature being hosted by the CPA.
“Through regional conferences, workshops and seminars such as the one we are gathered for today, we have the opportunity to learn from each other’s experiences, share best practices, and collectively address the challenges we face. The work of the CPA CAA region under the capable leadership of the regional Chairperson Mr. Manzoor Nadir and the regional secretariat based here in Guyana is instrumental in fostering collaboration and unity among our member states,” he added.
The 46th Conference of the Caribbean, the Americas and the Atlantic Region of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association is being held from September 1 – 7, 2024.
The Regional Conference will bring together Parliamentarians and Clerks from jurisdictions across the CPA CAA Region for discussions on the theme, “Democracy: Challenges Facing Modern Parliaments.”
Throughout the week, a series of plenary sessions will cover critical topics including Artificial Intelligence, Healthcare Access for Women and Girls, Gender Sensitive Parliaments – Toolkit/Guidelines, Peace and Security, and Migration.
Presenters from various countries in the region, including Minister of Parliamentary Affairs and Governance Gail Teixeira, who will speak on “Accountability: Effective Oversight Committees,” while other sessions will delve into “The Experiences of Women Presiding Officers” and “Building Greater Autonomy for Houses.”
Additionally, the week of activity will see the hosting of the 17th Regional Youth Parliament, where Youth Parliamentarians from across the region will debate on topical issues. This platform provides a unique opportunity for the next generation of leaders to engage with contemporary challenges and contribute to shaping the future of the region. (G1)