Five more Venezuelans were on Wednesday deported when they appeared before Magistrate Leron Daly at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts.
Julio Fuguro, Carona Guataran, Maria Couplan, Yola Sanchez and Lana Parina Esequar all pleaded guilty to the charge which stated that they all entered Guyana illegally on July 25, 2016, at Eteringbang, Cuyuni River.
They were all fined $10,000 each and deported. Venezuela is currently facing its most devastating economic crisis, caused in part by the decline in oil prices on the world market and its people have been suffering.
Venezuelans are calling for assistance as they claim there is no food or jobs for them to provide for their families. However, Guyana’s Head of State, President David Granger explained that while the situation in the neighbouring country was cause for concern, Venezuelans are welcome in Guyana once they enter through legal means and abide by the laws of Guyana.