A Toyota Primo motorcar from which 50 pounds of compressed marijuana was

tossed was on Thursday found abandoned in a street in a community on the West Coast of Berbice
Reports are that the car, registered to a couple living in Laluni Street Queenstown, Georgetown, made an about-turn upon seeing a Police operation in the vicinity of the Weldaad Police Station.
Police accordingly gave chase, during which two well wrapped parcels were tossed out of the vehicle. Police retrieved the parcels, and an inspection revealed that they contained cannabis.
The car was found parked among some bushes some distance away. It was

subsequently towed and impounded. Police are continuing their investigations.
Meanwhile, a 33-year-old miner of Carabise Hill, Bartica, Region Seven was arrested by Police at Itaballi Police Check Point with 589 grams of cannabis. He is being processed for court.