50 pairs of scissors among items confiscated at Providence Stadium
The Guyana Police Force (GPF) had confiscated several prohibited items during the Armageddon DJ Clash, held on Saturday at the Guyana National Stadium at Providence, East Bank Demerara (EBD).
According to the Police, approximately 3,000 individuals were searched by law enforcement officers upon entering the venue, thus leading to the seizure of various prohibited items; among which were 1,500 lighters, 50 scissors, 30 small transparent Ziplock bags containing cannabis, 16 ‘joints,’ 14 offensive weapons, a can of Baygon, and five cans of BOP spray.
The items that were found at the Armageddon DJ Clash
Consequent to the search, several individuals were arrested on charges related to the possession of narcotics.
Earlier this month, one hundred pairs of scissors, along with 2000 cigarette lighters, 50 small transparent Ziplock bags with marijuana, 50 joints (ganja), and 15 weapons, were confiscated at the Guyana National Stadium. These items were found on patrons who were attending the Flash Back Party. Police have said that approximately 10,000 persons were searched, thus leading to the items being discovered. The Police have also said that several persons were arrested and charged with possession of narcotics.