While they may not have gotten their customary year-end bonus, a number of Guyana Defence Force (GDF) ranks and officers can go into the new year with smiles, as President David Granger has approved the promotions of 35 officers and 559 other ranks.
Army Chief-of-Staff, Brigadier Patrick West
The announcement was made by Army Chief-of-Staff, Brigadier Patrick West, who noted that the promotions were in accordance with Part III, Section 16 of the Defence Act 15:01 of 1977. He further noted that the promotions are with effect from January 1, 2018, except for two ranks promoted retroactively from January 1 of 2017.
“Heading the list of promotions of officers is 99426 Substantive Major Michael Shahoud, who was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel along with three other Majors. Five Captains were promoted to the rank of Major while two acting and 19 Second Lieutenants were promoted to Substantive Lieutenants.”
“Acting Lieutenant (Coast Guard) Travis Morgan was promoted to Substantive Lieutenant (Coast Guard) and headed the Coast Guard promotion list, while 99582 Substantive Captain Althea Stuart, who was promoted to the rank of Major was the only officer promoted from the Guyana People’s Militia.”
According to the statement, Acting Warrant Officer Class 2 Eteki Stuart heads the list of other ranks promoted, while 18990 Substantive Petty Officer Everette Tudor of the Coast Guard was promoted to Senior Petty Officer and 17615 Acting Staff Sergeant Mark Bovell of the Guyana People’s Militia was confirmed in his rank.
“At the Coast Guard, 62 Ratings were promoted to new ranks while 41 were confirmed in their present ranks totalling 103. The Guyana People’s Militia promoted 58 soldiers to new ranks while conforming 12 in their present ranks. The other 386 [promotions] represented 229 newly-promoted and 157 confirmed in their present ranks in the regular Force,” the GDF announced.