6-year-old hospitalised with suspected gunshot wound, in critical condition

…parents’ hands tested for gunshot residue

Police on the East Coast of Demerara are investigating an incident in which a six-year-old child sustained suspected gunshot injuries at her home in Mon Repos, ECD.
Reports are that the incident occurred sometime between 10:30h on Saturday and 05:30h on Sunday.
Investigations reveal that the child resides with her parents and sister. According to Police, the child’s mother said that she put her daughter to bed at around 10:30h on Saturday. However, at about 05:30h on Sunday, she awoke to use the washroom and heard her daughter groaning. Upon checking, she discovered the child’s head and clothing drenched in what appeared to be blood.
The parents immediately rushed the child to the Georgetown Public Hospital, where she was examined and a Computed Tomography (CT) scan was performed. The child is scheduled for surgery, and her condition is listed as critical.
According to Police, a team from the Criminal Investigations Department (CID) Headquarters visited the home, a flat wooden building after a report was made. Detectives reported that upon inspection, they observed a suspected gunshot entry hole in the zinc roof above the child’s bed and found reddish stains, suspected to be blood, on the bed. No spent shell was found in or around the dwelling.
The police swabbed the hands of the child’s parents for gunshot residue. Several individuals were questioned, but no one provided relevant information or reported hearing a gunshot, Police said.
The investigation has been launched. (G9)