The $607 million Leguan Stelling is expected to be operational by August 31, 2023, according to Public Works Minister Juan Edghill.
Edghill in a telephone interview with Guyana Times stated that the stelling deck will be completed in early August, while the completion date for the installation of the linkspan bridge is projected for August 31, 2023. He noted that once all the components are completed, the green light will be given for the public to utilise the stelling.
The overall completion status of the project is currently at 85 per cent, with a total of $532,662,237 million of the $607,259,260 million revised contract sum being expended to date.
At this stage of the project, all timber works on the existing southern carriageway are completed, all prestressed concrete foundation piles are installed and cut to level, the casting of 75 per cent of the concrete slab deck for the northern section of the stelling is completed as well as the fabrication of Unifloat Pontoon for linkspan bridge completed.
Additionally, all steel components for the linkspan bridge are pre-fabricated for installation when deck construction is completed. Initially, the projected date for the overall completion was set for September 15, 2023.
Back in February, the Project Manager at the Public Works Ministry, Jermaine Braithwaite, during an interview with the Department of Public Information, revealed that the project was estimated to be completed by June 30, 2023.
However, during a visit to the work site in March, Minister Edghill noted that works need to be accelerated on the project after the company complained of having insufficient workers to complete the project in a timely manner.
When completed, the stelling will also facilitate the mooring of the ferry, the off-loading of commodities, and the ingress and egress of passengers and vehicles.
Additionally, the project also caters to the construction of an admin building which will be utilised by the staff of the Transport and Harbours Department to essentially undertake and oversee the operation.