Hardat Harriram, a 70-year-old resident of Old Road Eccles, East Bank Demerara, has been killed in an accident that occurred along the Agricola Public Road, Greater Georgetown, on Tuesday, September 26.
The incident, which reportedly occurred at around 05:20h, involved motor jeep PJJ 9372, which was at the time being driven by a 38-year-old resident of Annandale, East Coast Demerara (ECD).
Dead: Hardat Harriram (newsroom photo)
Based on preliminary Police investigations, the jeep was proceeding south along the western drive lane of the road while Hardat was pushing a pedal cycle across the road from west to east. As Hardat approached the eastern carriageway, he stopped at the concrete median, and remained there for a while, holding his pedal cycle while waiting for an opportunity to cross the road.
After waiting for some time, he proceeded to cross the road, but in so doing, he ended up in the path of the vehicle. The front of the jeep struck Hardat and he was flung in the air, and when he landed on the road surface, injuries were observed on his body. He was pronounced dead on the scene by Emergency Medical Technicians (EMT). The driver remains in custody.