Prime Minister Brigadier (ret’d) Mark Phillips on Sunday formally launched the seventh edition of the Prime Minister’s T20 Cup, a softball cricket event which will take place from September 29 to October 1.
At the launch of this 2023 edition, Prime Minister Phillips emphasize the planning phase to better network the league to all persons. “Last Year I particularly asked that we pin down the dates, so people could have a whole year of planning; and I’m happy that we were able to do that, and we were able to communicate that is from the 29th of September to the 1st of October. So, the whole world knew about this tournament over a year, so we expect greater participation.”
Prime Minister Phillips addressing the gathering at the launch of the softball tournament (DPI Photo)
The Prime Minister went on to discuss the league’s inclusion, regardless of age.
“This Prime Minister’s Cup is surely about everybody who is part of this tournament, with age not being a barrier, because we have different categories. We have the Over-50, Over-40, and All Ages, so everybody can play,” he said.
Public Relations Manager of the league, John Ramsingh, expounded on the international exposure this league has gotten, and urged internationals to participate in the tournament.
Prime Minister Brigadier (ret’d) Mark Phillips and members of the Prime Minister’s T20 Cup softball league (DPI Photo)
Ramsingh explained, “The Prime Minister’s T20 Cup softball is international. We have that recognition, not only in Guyana, that teams look forward to our tournament. Teams around the world are asking when is the tournament, so they can plan their vacation around that, to be a part of this. If they do not play in any other tournament that we have annually around the world, they want to come to Guyana. It is the motherland, after all, for many, and also it is our game that we have given to the world; so, they want to come back and play this tournament. This is the love they have for this game and this tournament.”
The finals are slated for October 1, and winners of the various categories would receive prizes. The Legends Over-50 winners will receive 1 million dollars, while the Allstar winners and Masters Over-40 will receive $600,000. The female champion will pocket a sum of $300,000.
Participating teams will, for the first time, have to pay $60,000 for registration, $20,000 of which will be refunded for their participation. Registration forms can be uplifted at Regals Stationery and Computer Centre.